Woven Printed Labels

Best prices for Woven Printed Labels


Indian barcode is the leading manufacturer of all kinds of Woven Printed Labels. Our company is offering Woven Printed Labels with laser and offset printing. In addition to our expertise, we offer preprinted Woven Printed Labels with multi-color printing on both sides and a single side. These are available in a variety of paper choices both Indian and imported. Mindware India is the professional Supplier, Dealer, and Distributor of all kinds of Woven Printed Labels. When separating your products from your competitors, a high-quality woven label is an answer. SATIN, TAFFETA, DAMASK, HI-DEFINITION & LASER CUT LABELS are our specialty. At IBC we can assure you that your garment labels will be in a class by themselves. We manufacture Woven Label, a high definition weave using at least two threads, which are manufactured with high-speed looms. This weaving technique will offer a good solid color and fine detailing and are much more cost-effective then embroidered items. This technique is very popular for the main labels used to enhance a brand image. Made with higher density, it provides finer details and outstanding colors. These labels are considered the high end among woven labels. We provide high-quality labels made from Woven, the high quality is achieved by high intensity, and thinner yarns. Clarity of detail and true logo interpretation is exceptional. Choose woven for detailed designs or texts. While the cost is higher, so is the superiority of the label for a fancy, pleasing appearance.





S -4, Plot No-7, Pocket-7, Pankaj Plaza, Near Metro Station, Sector-12, Dwarka, New Delhi-110078, (India)

+91-11-46102688 DIRECT LINE

Phones: +91-11-28032434, +91-11-46102688, +91-9810822688, +91-9717122688

Email: gm@indianbarcode.com